Number of visits:

collaborators' publications

CATURBO - ChAracteristics of TURbulence of the BOra wind


Scientific project of the Croatian Science Foundation



(Median impact factors of the journals in the group Meteorology and atmospheric sciences according to ISI Web of Knowledge for 2014 is 1.709 and for 2013 is 1.717):

  1. Goran, Gašparac, Amela Jeričević and Branko Grisogono (2016): Influence of WRF parametrization on coupling air quality modelling systems, in Air Pollution Modelling and its Application XXIV, Editors: Stein, D. G. and Chaumerliac, N., Ch. 90, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 557-562, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-24478-5_90.

  2. Amela Jeričević, Vedrana Džaja Grgičin, Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Sonja Vidič and Henk Bloemen (2016): Analyses of urban and rural particulate matter mass concentrations in Croatia in the period 2006-2014. Geofizika, 33, 157-181, DOI: 10.15233/gfz.2016.33.8 (Impact Factor for 2015 - 0,944; Journal Rank - Q3)

  3. Ivan Güttler, Ivana Marinović, Željko Večenaj and Branko Grisogono (2016): Energetics of slope flows: linear and weakly nonlinear solutions of the extended Prandtl model, Frontiers in Earth Science, 4:72, DOI:10.3389/feart.2016.00072  (New journal; Impact Factor and Journal Rank in progress).


  1. Petra Lepri, Željko Večenaj, Hrvoje Kozmar and Branko Grisogono (2015): Near-ground turbulence of the Bora wind in summertime, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 147, 345-357, DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2015.09.013 (Impact Factor for 2014 - 1.414; Journal Rank - Q2 - Engineering Sciences)

  2. Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Igor Horvat, Tomažić Igor, Marko  Kvakić, Mladen Viher and Branko Grisogono (2015): Impact of mesoscale meteorological processes on anomalous radar propagation conditions over the northern Adriatic area, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 120, 8759-8782, DOI: 10.1002/2014JD022626 (Impact Factor for 2014 - 3.426; Journal Rank - Q1)

  3. Nevio Babić, Željklo Večenaj, Hrvoje Kozmar, Kristian Horvath, Stephan F. J. De Wekker, Branko Grisogono (2015): On turbulent fluxes during strong winter bora wind events. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, accepted (Impact Factor for 2014 - 2.470; Journal Rank - Q2)

  4. Danijel Belušić, Željko Večenaj and Margaret A. LeMone (2015): Possible observation of horizontal roll vortices over the Adriatic Sea during bora,Frontiers in Earth Science, 3:23, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2015.00023 (New journal; Impact Factor and Journal Rank in progress).

  5. Jielun Sun, Carmen J. Nappo, Larry Mahrt, Danijel Belusic, Branko Grisogono, David R. Stauffer, Manuel Pulido, Chantal Staquet, Qingfang Jiang, Annick Pouquet, Carlos Yague, Boris Galperin, Ronald B. Smith, John J. Finnigan, Shane D. Mayor, Gunilla Svensson, Andrey A. Grachev and William D. Neff (2015): Review of wave-turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer, Review of Geophysics, 53, 956-993 (Impact Factor for 2014 - 14.800; Journal Rank - Q1).

  6. Milivoj Kuzmić, Branko Grisogono, Xiao Ming Li, Suzanne Lehner (2015): Discerning a deep and a shallow Adriatic bora event, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141(693), 3434-3438(Impact Factor for 2014 - 3.252; Journal Rank - Q1).

  7. Josip Križan, Goran Gašparac, Hrvoje Kozmar, Oleg Antonić, Branko Grisogono (2015): Designing laboratory wind simulations using artificial neural networks. Theoretical and Apllied Climatology, 120 , 723-736, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1201-4 (Impact Factor for 2014 - 2.015; Journal Rank - Q2).

  8. Branko Grisogono, Toni Jurlina, Željko Večenaj, Ivan Güttler (2015): Weakly-nonlinear Prandtl model for simple slope flows, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141, 883-892, DOI: 10.1002/qj.2406 (Impact Factor for 2014 - 3.252; Journal Rank - Q1).

  9. Željko Večenaj, Stephan F. J. De Wekker (2014): Determination of non-stationarity in the surface layer during the T-REX experimentQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, accepted, DOI: 10.1002/qj.2458/abstract (Impact Factor for 2014 - 3.252; Journal Rank - Q1).

  10. Petra Lepri, Hrvoje Kozmar, Željko Večenaj, Branko Grisogono (2014): A summertime near-ground velocity profile of the Bora wind, Wind & Structure, 19, 505-522, DOI: 10.12989/was.2014.19.5.505 (Impact Factor for 2014 - 0,584; Journal Rank - Q2 - Engineering Sciences).

  11. Ivan Güttler, Čedo Branković, Travis A. O'Brien, Erika Coppola, Branko Grisogono, Filippo Giorgi (2014): Sensitivity of the regional climate model RegCM4.2 to planetary boundary layer parameterization, Climate Dynamics, 43, 1753-1772, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-013-2003-6 (Faktor utjecaja za 2014. - 4.673; Journal Rank - Q1).

  12. M. Zimnoch, P. Wach, L. Chmura, Z. Gorczyca, K. Rozanski, J. Godlowska, J. Mazur, K. Kozak and A. Jeričević (2014): Factors controlling temporal variability of near-ground atmospheric 222Rn concentration over central Europe, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 9567-9581, DOI: 10.5194/acp-14-9567-2014 (Impact Factor for 2014 - 5.053; Journal Rank - Q1).

  13. Mladen Viher, Maja Telišman Prtenjak and Branko Grisogono (2013): A multi-year study of the anomalous propagation conditions along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 97, 75-84 DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2013.01.014 (Impact Factor for 2013 - 1.751; Journal Rank - Q2).

  14. Danijel Belušić, Mario Hrastinski, Željko Večenaj, Branko Grisogono (2013): Wind regimes associated with a mountain gap at the northeastern Adriatic coast, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 52, 2089-2105, DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-12-0306.1 (Impact Factor for 2013 - 2,099; Journal Rank - Q2)


  1. Branko Grisogono, Milivoj Kuzmić, Susanne Lehner, Xiao Ming Li and Ivan Güttler: Contrasting (sub-)mesoscale bura structures. Oral presentation, Challenges in Meteorology 4, 24 - 25 November 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
  2. Goran Gašparac and Amela Jeričević: Modelling and assessment of particulate matter using EMEP and WRF-Chem models at rural background stations in Europe. Oral presentation, Challenges in Meteorology 4, 24 - 25 November 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.

  3. Ivana Marinović, Ivan Güttler, Željko Večenaj and Branko Grisogono: Energetika blago nelinearnog Prandtlovog modela. Oral presentation, Challenges in Meteorology 4, 24 - 25 November 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.

  4. Andreina Belušić, Ivan Güttler and Maja Telišman Prtenjak: Near-surface wind climatology over Adriatic and Pannonian regions in an ensemble of RCM simulations. Oral presentation, Challenges in Meteorology 4, 24 - 25 November 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.

  5. Željko Večenaj, Damir Ptičar, Hrvoje Hegeduš, Goran Lončar and Branko Grisogono: First observations of the bura-wind turbulence using the hot-wire anemometer. Oral presentation, Challenges in Meteorology 4, 24 - 25 November 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.

  6. Petra Lepri, Željko Večenaj, Hrvoje Kozmar and Branko Grisogono: Bura turbulence in comparison with international wind engineering standards. Oral presentation, Challenges in Meteorology 4, 24 - 25 November 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.

  7. Grisogono, M. Telišman Prtenjak, B. Ivančan-Picek and K. Horvath: Relevant atmospheric circulations for the Pannonian basin. GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin. Invited talk. 9 - 11 November 2015, Osijek, Croatia.

  8. Amela Jeričević and Goran Gašparac: Episodes of high PM concentrations during stable atmospheric conditions in the Pannonian basin. GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin. Invited talk. 9 - 11 November 2015, Osijek, Croatia.

  9. Željko Večenaj, Damir Ptičar, Hrvoje Hegeduš and Branko Grisogono: A New Micrometeorological Research Facility at the New Maslenica Bridge.GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin. Oral presentation. 9 - 11 November 2015, Osijek, Croatia.

  10. Andreina Belušić, Ivan Güttler, Maja Telišman Prtenjak: Evaluation of near-surface wind characteristics obtained by an ensemble of RCM simulations over the Pannonian region.GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin. Oral presentation. 9 - 11 November 2015, Osijek, Croatia.

  11. Martin Klaić, Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Joan Cuxart, Marko Kvakić, Karmen Babić, Darko Koračin, Amela Jeričević: Numerical simulations of fog formations over the Zagreb area.GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin. Poster. 9 - 11 November 2015, Osijek, Croatia.

  12. Martina Ćurić, Tomislav Stilinović, Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Vinko Šoljan: Analysis of atmospheric instability indices based on radio sounding and ALADIN data, weather types and lightning detection. GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin. Poster. 9 - 11 November 2015, Osijek, Croatia.

  13. Ivana Marinović: The energetics of the weakly nonlinear Prandtl model (Energetika blago nelinearnog Prandtlovog modela, Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, defended: 26 October 2015, mentor: Branko Grisogono, comentor:  Ivan Güttler, 50 pp. (in Croatian)

  14. Andreina Belušić, Ivan Güttler and Maja Telišman Prtenjak: Near-surface wind climatology over the eastern Adriatic coast in an ensemble of RCM simulations, Poster, ICAM 2015 - International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.

  15. Petra Lepri, Željko Večenaj, Hrvoje Kozmar and Branko Grisogono: On the near-ground bora turbulence, Poster, ICAM 2015 - International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.

  16. Željko Večenaj, Danijel Belušić and Branko Grisogono: Bora-induced near-surface layer turbulence scales, Poster, ICAM 2015 - International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.

  17. Željko Večenaj, Endi Keresturi, Željka Pogačić, Jadran Jurković, Igor Kos and Branko Grisogono: Characteristics of bora wind at the Dubrovnik airport, Poster, ICAM 2015 - International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.

  18. Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Martin Klaić, Joan Cuxart, Marko Kvakić, Karmen Babić, Darko Koračin and Amela Jeričević: The impact of downslope winds and the urban heat island on fog formation over the Zagreb area, Poster, ICAM 2015 - International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.

  19. Gabrijela Poljak, Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Marko Kvakić, Kristina Šariri and Željko Večenaj: Interaction of a sea breeze and a moist convection over the northeastern Adriatic coast: An analysis of the sensitivity experiments using the high‐resolution mesoscale model, Poster, ICAM 2015 - International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.

  20. Goran Gašparac, Amela Jeričević and Branko Grisogono: Parameterization of NWP WRF in statically stable situations over complex terrain. Oral presentation, ICAM 2015 - International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, 31 August - 4 September 2015, Innsbruck, Austria.

  21. Branko Grisogono: Some current and future research on bora wind, Invited talk, International conference of physics students - ICPS 2015, 12 – 19 August 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.

  22. Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Igor Mandić, Igor Horvat, Igor Tomažić, Marko Kvakić, Mladen  Viher and Branko Grisogono: Impact of mesoscale meteorological processes on anomalous radar propagation conditions, Poster, The 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), 22 June – 2 July 2015, Praha, Czech Republic.

  23. Željko Večenaj (2015): Investigation of the bora turbulence. Final interdisciplinary conference of the project Weather Intelligence for Wind Energy – WILL4WIND "Inovative meteorological support to wind energy assessment", 10-11 June 2015, Šibenik, Croatia.

  24. Goran Gašparac, Amela Jeričević and Branko Grisogono: (2015): Influence of WRF parameterization on coupled air quality modeling systems. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXIV, D. Steyn and N. Chaumerliac (editori), Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, in press.

  25. Goran Gašparac and Amela Jeričević: Influence of WRF parameterization on coupled air quality modeling systems, Poster, 34th NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, 4–8 May 2015, Montpellier, France

  26. G. Simó, J. Cuxart, T. Weidinger, A.Z. Gyongyosi, B. Wrenger, Z. Istenes , Z. Bottyan, Z. Bozoki, D. Tatrai, Amela Jeričević, B. Matjacic, M. Kiss and  J. Jozsa: Field study of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Pannonian Plain, 5th International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean, 2-4 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey

  27. Goran Gašparac, Amela Jeričević and Branko Grisogono: Air quality modeling during stable atmospheric conditions, Poster, Symposium on Coupled Chemistry-Meteorology/Climate modelling, 23–25 February 2015, Geneve, Switzerland

  28. Željka Pogačić: Statistical analysis of the bora episodes at the Dubrovnik airport (Statistička obrada epizoda bure na zračnoj luci Dubrovnik), Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, defended: 15 December 2014, mentor: Branko Grisogono, comentor: Željko Večenaj, 54 pp. (in Croatian)

  29. Endi Keresturi: Properties of the bora flow at the Dubrovnik airport (Osobine bure na zračnoj luci Dubrovnik), Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, defended: 12 December 2014, mentor: Branko Grisogono, comentor: Željko Večenaj, 50 pp. (in Croatian)

  30. Amela Jeričević, Goran Gašparac and other COST ES1006 members: Evaluation, improvement and guidance for the use of local-scale emergency prediction and response tools for airborne hazards in built environments - COST ES1006, Oral presentation, Professional Workshop Application of atmospheric models in environmental and human protection, 27 November 2014, Zagreb, Croatia

  31. Amela Jeričević i Željko Večenaj: Development of eddy diffusivity method based on LES simulations in convective atmospheric boundary layers, Oralna prezentacija, Međunarodna znanstvena radionica Workshop on advances in meso- and micro-meteorology, 3-4 November 2014, Donja Stubica, Croatia

  32. Goran Gašparac i Amela Jeričević: Influence of WRF parameterization on air quality modeling, Oralna prezentacija, Međunarodna znanstvena radionica Workshop on advances in meso- and micro-meteorology, 3-4 November 2014, Donja Stubica, Croatia

  33. Stjepana Brzaj: Verification of wind speed and wind shear in ALADIN/HR model (Ocjena uspješnosti brzine i smicanja vjetra u modelu ALADIN/HR), Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, defended: 15 December 2014, mentor: Kristian Horvath, comentor: Branko Grisogonoj, 65 pp. (in Croatian)

  34. Goran Gašparac and Amela Jeričević: Air quality modeling of particulate matter in the Pannonian basin during winter stable atmospheric conditions, Oralna prezentacija, Harmo 16th International conference Harmonisation within Atmoshperic Dispersion Modeling for Regulatory Purposes, 8.-11. September 2014, Varna, Bulgaria

  35. Petra Lepri, Hrvoje Kozmar, Željko Večenaj and Branko Grisogono: A summertime near-ground velocity profile of the Bora wind, Oral presentation, ACEM14, The 2014 Conference on Advances in Civil,Environmental and Materials Research, 24-28 August 2014, Busan, South Korea

  36. Petra Lepri, Hrvoje Kozmar, Željko Večenaj and Branko Grisogono: Velocity profile of the gusty Bora wind, Oral presentation, IN-VENTO 2014, XIII Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, 22-25 June 2014, Genova, Italy

  37. Branko Grisogono, Nevio Babić, Kristian Horvath and Željko Večenaj: On bora wind driven near surface turbulence over complex terrain , Oral presentation, 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, UK

  38. Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Igor Horvat, Igor Tomažić, Marko Kvakić, Mladen Viher and Branko Grisogono: Impact of mesoscale meteorological processes on the anomalous propagation conditions over the Adriatic area , Oral presentation, 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, UK

  39. Karmen Babić, Željko Večenaj and Zvjezdana Bencetić Klaić: Timescales in the nocturnal, wintertime boundary layer over heterogeneous surface , Oral presentation, 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, UK

  40. Željko Večenaj and Stephan De Wekker: Determination of nonstationarity in turbulence time series using different methods , Oral presentation, 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, UK

  41. Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Igor Horvat, Marko Kvakić, Igor Tomažić, Mladen Viher, Goran Gašparac and Branko Grisogono: Sensitivity of anaprop occurrences on the modification in the boundary-layer scheme , Poster, 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, UK

  42. Nevio Babić, Željko Večenaj and Stephan De Wekker: Impact of stationarity criteria on surface layer similarity functions in complex terrain , Poster, 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, UK

  43. Željko Večenaj, Iris Odak and Mario Hrastinski: Sensitivity of bora turbulence to the analysis procedures , Poster, 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, UK

  44. Tamás Weidinger, J. Cuxart, A. Z. Gyongyosi, B., Wrenger, Z. Istenes, Z. Bottyan, G. Simó, D. Tatrai, Amela Jeričević, B. Matjacic, M. Kiss i J. Jozsa: An experimental and numerical study of the ABL structure in the Pannonian plain (PABLS13), Poster, 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 9-13 June 2014, Leeds, UK

  45. Igor Lisac: Similarity theory testing on the summer bora wind at the Middle Adriatic coast (Testiranje teorije slučnosti na ljetnoj buri Srednjeg Jadrana), Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, defended: 28 February 2014, mentor: Branko Grisogono, comentor: Željko Večenaj, 33 pp. (in Croatian)

  46. Stephanie Phelps, Temple Lee, Željko Večenaj, Sandip Pal, Mark Sghiatti and Stephan De Wekker: On the representativeness of wind- and stability measurements in hilly terrain. A case study in southern Virginia, Poster, 94th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2-6 February 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

  47. Nevio Babić: Observation of kinematic eddy fluxes of bora near the town of Split (Proučavanje turbulentnih tokova bure u navjetrini Splita), Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, defended: 19 September 2013, mentor: Branko Grisogono, comentor: Željko Večenaj, 48 pp. (in Croatian)

  48. Toni Jurlina: Weakly nonlinear modification of the Prandtl model for katabatic flow (Blago-nelinearna modifikacija Prandtlovog modela katabatičkog strujanja), Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, defended: 6 May 2013, mentor: Branko Grisogono, 38 pp. (in Croatian)

  49. Igor Horvat: Impact of mesoscale meteorological processes on the anomalous propagation conditions in the atmosphere (Veza između meteoroloških mezoskalnih procesa i pojave nestandardnih refrakcija radio valova u atmosferi), Master Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, defended: 26 April 2013, mentor: Maja Telišman Prtenjak, 59 pp. (in Croatian)

  50. Milivoj Kuzmić and Branko Grisogono: Remotely observing and numerically modelling a prolonged bora event, Understanding the past, observing the present and protecting the future Vienna 2013, Vienna, Austria, 16-20 September 2013, 1-7.

  51. Nevio Babić, Željko Večenaj, Kristian Horvath and Branko Grisogono: TKE budget analysis of a single long-lived winter bora flow, Poster, Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-2013, 8-12 July 2013, Davos, USA

  52. Branko Grisogono, Željko Večenaj, Josipa Milovac, Petra Lepri, Goran Gašparac, Kristian Horvath and Hrvoje Kozmar: Some current and future research on bora wind, Oral presentation, Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-2013, 8-12 July 2013, Davos, USA

  53. Željko Večenaj, Danijel Belušić and Branko Grisogono: On the bora turbulence integral length scale at the NE Adriatic coast, Poster, Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-2013, 8-12 July 2013, Davos, USA

  54. Željko Večenaj, Danijel Belušić and Branko Grisogono: Turbulence averaging scale for bora flows at the NE Adriatic coast, Oral presentation, Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-2013, 8-12 July 2013, Davos, USA

  55. Željko Večenaj and Stephan F. J. De Wekker: Determination and characteristics of nonstationarity in the surface layer during the T-REX experiment, Poster, Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-2013, 8-12 July 2013, Davos, USA

  56. Branko Grisogono, Toni Jurlina, Željko Večenaj, Ivan Güttler: Weakly-nonlinear Prandtl model for simple slope flows, Oral presentation, ICAM 2013, 3-7 June 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

  57. Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Igor Horvat and Mladen Viher: Impact of mesoscale meteorological processes on the anomalous propagation conditions, Poster, ICAM 2013, 3-7 June 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

  58. Nevio Babić, Željko Večenaj, Kristian Horvath and Branko Grisogono: Evaluation of vertical eddy fluxes divergence for multiple bora events, Poster, ICAM 2013, 3-7 June 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

  59. Danijel Belušić, Željko Večenaj and Margaret A. LeMone: Longitudinal roll vortices in the bora wind, Poster, ICAM 2013, 3-7 June 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

  60. Kristian Horvath, Željko Večenaj and Branko Grisogono: Downslope windstorms over very complex orography: formation and development of pulsations, Oral presentation, ICAM 2013, 3-7 June 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

  61. Željko Večenaj, Danijel Belušić and Branko Grisogono: On the turbulence integral scales for the bora flows at the NE Adriatic coast, Poster, ICAM 2013, 3-7 June 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

  62. Željko Večenaj, Danijel Belušić and Branko Grisogono: Separation of the turbulence from the mean bora flows at the NE Adriatic coast, Oral presentation, ICAM 2013, 3-7 June 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

  63. Karmen Babić, Zvjezdana Bencetić Klaić and Željko Večenaj: Observations of turbulence in the stable surface layer over inhomogeneous terrain, Poster, ICAM 2013, 3-7 June 2013, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

  64. Josip Križan, Goran Gaš…parac, Hrvoje Kozmar, Oleg Antonić and Branko Grisogono: Estimating urban wind characteristics via neural networks, Oral presentation, Challenges in Meteorology 3, 21-22 November 2013, Zagreb, Croatia

  65. Branko Grisogono (2012/2013): Idealized slope wind (Idealizirani vjetar obronka), Matematičko-fizički list, LXIII(4), 232-239. (in Croatian)