Number of visits:


Original scientific and review papers in CC journals

  1. Bubalo M, Janeković I, Orlić M (2021): Meteotsunami-related flooding and drying: numerical modeling of four Adriatic events. Natural Hazards, 106: 1365-1382, doi: 10.1007/s11069-020-04444-4

  2. Međugorac I., M. Pasarić, I. Güttler (2021) Will the wind associated with the Adriatic storm surges change in future climate?. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 143(1), 1-18, doi: 10.1007/s00704-020-03379-x

  3. Jacob D. et al. (2020) Regional climate downscaling over Europe: perspectivesfrom the EURO-CORDEX community. Regional Environmental Change, 20: 51, doi: 10.1007/s10113-020-01606-9

  4. Güttler I., T. Stilinović, L. Srnec, Č. Branković, E. Coppola, F. Giorgi (2020) Performance of RegCM4 simulations over Croatia and adjacent climate regions. International Journal of Climatology, 40: 5843-5862, doi: 10.1002/joc.6552

  5. Bubalo M., I. Jankević, M. Orlić (2019) Simulation of flooding and drying as an essential element of meteotsunami modelling. Continental Shelf Research, 184: 81-90, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2019.07.003

  6. Bajo M., I. Međugorac, G. Umgiesser, M. Orlić (2019) Storm surge and seiche modelling in the Adriatic Sea and the impact of data assimilation. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 145: 2070-2084, doi:  10.1002/qj.3544

  7. Vozila Belušić, A., I. Güttler, B. Ahrens, A. Obermann-Hellhund, M. Telišman Prtenjak (2019) Wind over the Adriatic region in CORDEX Climate Change ScenariosJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124: 110-130, doi: 10.1029/2018JD028552

  8. Coppola, E., S. Sobolowski, E. Pichelli, ..., I. Güttler, ..., L. Srnec, P. Stocchi, M. Tölle, H. Truhetz, R. Vautard; H. de Vries, K. Warrach-Sagi (2018) A first-of-its-kind multi-model convection permitting ensemble for investigating convective phenomena over Europe and the MediterraneanClimate Dynamics, 55: 3-34, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4521-8

  9. Cindrić, K., Z. Pasarić (2018) Modelling dry spells by extreme value distribution with Bayesian inference. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175 (11): 3891-3908, doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-2007-6

  10. Orlić, M., M. Pasarić, Z. Pasarić (2018) Mediterranean sea-level variability in the second half of the twentieth century: a Bayesian approach to closing the budget. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175 (11): 3973-3988, doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-1974-y

  11. Čavlek, N., C. Cooper, V. Krajinović, L. Srnec, K. Zaninović (2018) Destination climate adaptionJournal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 43 (2): 314-322, doi: 10.1177/1096348018793507

  12. Pasarić, Z., K. Cindrić (2018) Generalized Pareto distribution: impact of rounding on parameter estimationTheoretical and Applied Climatology, 136 (1-2): 417-427, doi: 10.1007/s00704-018-2494-5

  13. Cindrić, K., J. Juras, Z. Pasarić (2018) On precipitation monitoring with theoretical statistical distributionsTheoretical and Applied Climatology, 136 (1-2): 145-156, doi:

  14. King, M.P., I. Herceg Bulić, I. Bladé, J. García-Serrano, N. Keenlyside, F. Kucharski, C. Li, S. Sobolowski (2018) Importance of late fall ENSO teleconnection in the Euro-Atlantic sector. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99: 1337-1343, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0020.1

  15. Bubalo, M., I. Janeković, M. Orlić (2018) Chrystal and Proudman resonances simulated with three numerical models. Ocean Dynamics, 68 (4-5): 497-507, doi: 10.1007/s10236-018-1146-8

  16. Vilibić I., H. Mihanović, I. Janeković, C. Denamiel, P. M. Poulain, M. Orlić, N. Dunić, V. Dadić, M. Pasarić, S. Muslim, R. Gerin, F. Matić, J. Šepić, E. Mauri, Z. Kokkini, M. Tudor, Ž. Kovač, T. Džoić (2018) Wintertime dynamics in the coastal northeastern Adriatic Sea: the NAdEx 2015 experiment. Ocean Science, 14: 237-258, doi: 10.5194/os-14-237-2018

  17. Međugorac, I., M. Orlić, I. Janeković, Z. Pasarić, M. Pasarić (2018) Adriatic storm surges and related cross-basin sea-level slope. Journal of Marine Systems, 181: 79-90, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2018.02.005

  18. Bonaldo, D., M. Orlić, S. Carniel (2018) Framing Continental Shelf Waves in the southern Adriatic Sea, a further flushing factor beyond dense water cascading. Scientific Reports, 8 (660): 1-11, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18853-2

  19. King, M. P., I. Herceg Bulić, F. Kucharski, N. Keenlyside (2018) Interannual tropical Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies teleconnection to Northern Hemisphere atmosphere in November. Climate Dynamics, 50 (5-6): 1881-1899, doi:

  20. Drobinski, P., N. Da Silva, G. Panthou, S. Bastin, C. Muller, B. Ahrens, M. Borga, D. Conte, G. Fosser, F. Giorgi, I. Güttler, V. Kotroni, L. Li, E. Morin, B. Onol, P. Quintana-Segui, R. Romera, Cz. Torma (2018) Scaling precipitation extremes with temperature in the Mediterranean: past climate assessment and projection in anthropogenic scenariosClimate Dynamics, 51 (3): 1237-1257, doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3083-x

  21. Gajić-Čapka, M., I. Güttler, K. Cindrić, Č. Branković (2017) Observed and simulated climate and climate change in the lower Neretva river basin. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 9 (1): 124-136, doi: 10.2166/wcc.2017.034

  22. Belušić, A., M. Telišman Prtenjak, I. Güttler, N. Ban, D. Leutwyler, C. Schär (2018) Near-surface wind variability over the broader Adriatic region: insights from an ensemble of regional climate modelsClimate Dynamics, 50 (11-12): 4455-4480, doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3885-5

  23. Vilibić, I. J. Šepić, M. Pasarić, M. Orlić (2017) The Adriatic Sea: a long-standing laboratory for sea level studies. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 174 (10): 3765-3811, doi: 10.1007/s00024-017-1625-8

  24. Herceg Bulić I., B. Mezzina, F. Kucharski, P. Ruggieri, M. P. King (2017) Wintertime ENSO influence on late spring European climate: the stratospheric response and the role of North Atlantic SST. International Journal of Climatology, 37 (Suppl. 1): 87-108, doi: 10.1002/joc.4980

  25. Šepić, J., I. Međugorac, I. Janeković, N. Dunić, I. Vilibić (2016) Multi-meteotsunami event in the Adriatic Sea generated by atmospheric disturbances of 25–26 June 2014. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173 (12): 4117-4138, doi: 10.1007/s00024-016-1249-4

  26. Cindrić, K., M. Telišman Prtenjak, I. Herceg Bulić, D. Mihajlović, Z. Pasarić (2016) Analysis of the extraordinary 2011/2012 drought in Croatia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 123 (3): 503-522, doi: 10.1007/s00704-014-1368-8

  27. Perčec Tadić, M., K. Zaninović, R. Sokol Jurković (2015): Mapping of maximum snow load values for the 50-year return period for Croatia. Spatial Statistics, 14: 53-69, doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2015.05.002

  28. Kilibarda, M., M. Perčec Tadić, T. Hengl, J. Luković, B. Bajat (2015) Global geographic and feature space coverage of temperature data in the context of spatio-temporal interpolation. Spatial Statistics, 14: 22-38, doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2015.04.005

  29. Güttler, I., I. Stepanov, Č. Branković, G. Nikulin, C. Jones (2015) Impact of horizontal resolution on precipitation in complex orography simulated by the regional climate model RCA3. Monthly Weather Review, 143: 3610-3627, doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-14-00302.1

  30. Međugorac, I., M. Pasarić, M. Orlić (2015) Severe flooding along the eastern Adriatic coast: the case of 1 December 2008. Ocean Dynamics, 65 (6): 817-830, doi: 10.1007/s10236-015-0835-9

  31. Orlić, M., Z. Pasarić (2015) Some pitfalls of the semiempirical method used to project sea level. Journal of Climate, 28:3779-3785, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00696.1

  32. Gajić-Čapka, M., K. Cindrić, Z. Pasarić (2015) Trends in precipitation indices in Croatia, 1961–2010. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 121(1): 167-177, doi: 10.1007/s00704-014-1217-9

  33. Patarčić, M., M. Gajić-Čapka, K. Cindrić, Č. Branković (2014) Recent and near-future changes in precipitation-extreme indices over the Croatian Adriatic coastClimate Research, 61: 157-176, doi:10.3354/cr01250


Other journal papers

  1. Orlić, M. (2018) Exchange of dense water between the open North Adriatic and the Croatian coastal sea: explicitly solving a nonlinear problem. Geofizika, 35: 159-175, doi: 10.15233/gfz.2018.35.11

  2. Nimac, I., I. Herceg Bulić (2017) An intermediate complexity AGCM simulations of climate response to a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Geofizika, 34: 175-197, doi: 10.15233/gfz.2017.34.8

  3. Pilaš, I., J. Medak, I. Medved, M. Perčec Tadić, D. Medak (2016) Ecological, typological properties and productivity of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) ecosystems in Croatia. European Journal of Forest Research, SEEFOR 7 (2): 73-89.

  4. Međugorac, I., M. Pasarić, Z. Pasarić, M. Orlić (2016) Two recent storm-surge episodes in the Adriatic. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 6 (2016): 589-596, doi: 10.2495/SAFE-V6-N3-589-596

  5. Güttler, I., I. Marinović, Ž. Večenaj, B. Grisogono (2016) Energetics of slope flows: linear and weakly nonlinear solutions of the extended Prandtl model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 4, doi: 10.3389/feart.2016.00072

  6. Ljubenkov, I., K. Cindrić Kalin (2016) Evaluation of drought using standardised precipitation and flow indices and their correlations on an example of Sinjsko poljeGrađevinar, 68(2): 135-143, doi: 10.14256/JCE.1337.2015

  7. Orlić, M., I. Vrkić (2015) Bibliography of papers, reports and books published by Stjepan Mohorovičić. Geofizika, 32: 93-127, doi: 0.15233/gfz.2015.32.4

  8. Belušić, A., I. Herceg Bulić, Z. Bencetić Klaić (2015) Using a generalized additive model to quantify the influence of local meteorology on air quality in Zagreb. Geofizika, 32 (1): 47-77, doi: 10.15233/gfz.2015.32

  9. Gajić-Čapka, M., N. Ožanić, N. Krvavica (2014) Estimation of maximum, short-term precipitation over the Rijeka region. Elektronički časopis Građevinskog fakulteta Osijek, 9: 49-59.


Conference proceeding papers

  1. Pasarić, Z., M. Pasarić (2016): Examining linear trends: examples of sea levels in the Mediteranean. Rapport du 41e Congres de la CIESM, Kiel: 108.

  2. Nimac, I., M. Perčec Tadić (2016): New 1981–2010 climatological normals for Croatia and comparison to previous 1961–1990 and 1971–2000 normals. Proceedings from GeoMLA conference, Beograd: 79-85. (Extended paper)

  3. Nimac, I., K. Cindrić Kalin, M. Perčec Tadić, M. Gajić-Čapka (2015) Analiza maksimalnih trodnevnih količina oborine u Hrvatskoj. Zbornik radova 6. hrvatske konfrerencije o vodama - hrvatske vode na investicijskom valu, Opatija: 151-159.

  4. Rubinić, J., K. Cindrić Kalin, M. Nežić, M. Radišić, I. Ružić (2015) Ekstremna suša na izvorištima vodoopskrbe na slivu Mirne tijekom 2012. godine. Zbornik radova 6. hrvatske konferencije o vodama - hrvatske vode na investicijskom valu, Opatija: 171-179.

  5. Perčec Tadić, M., R. Sokol Jurković, M. Gajić-Čapka (2014) Baza klimatskih podataka za izračun energetskih svojstava zgrade. Zbornik radova 14. međunarodnog znanstvenog kongresa o energiji i zaštiti okoliša, Rijeka: 457-466.


Original scientific papers using results of the project CARE

  1. Dyrrdal, A. V., F. Stordal, C. Lussana (2017) Evaluation of summer precipitation from EURO-CORDEX fine-scale RCM simulations over Norway. International Journal of Climatology, 38: 1661-1677, doi: 10.1002/joc.5287


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)